Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Brazo + Donna Eden = An amazing day!

Yesterday was an amazing! I was able to experience, in person, Braco's gaze <  http://www.braco.net/  > Some of you may remember months back when Agape International hosted Braco in LA and shared a live streaming of his gazings. Here at Full Spectrum Self, a group gathered to experience the energy of the event and it was amazing. So when I found out he was planning to be in Pittsburgh I knew I would be there. My experience is still integrating and kind of challenging to descibe. I experienced the sensation of energy moving thru my body at different points and also a knowing that communication/sharing was happening. After the sessions  (we attended 2) I felt filled with light and very expansive. That feeling is still with me today :)

In between the 2 sessions I got to play guinea pig for my friend Magda who is studying for certification in Donna Eden's Energy Medicine protocol <  http://www.eomega.org/omega/faculty/viewProfile/1213348257adac938224cbf9995732ae/?content=PPC&source=1G.SEF.EDEND.bio&gclid=COG7us3HtakCFURd5QodVnshLg  >. We skyped with her instructor in Cleveland and Magda demonstrated the protocols on me. So while it was a hurried version of the work, I still received wonderful benefit! If you have the opportunity to experience this work - go for it!

A cherry on top of all the day's fun was all the friends I saw at the Braco event. It was greatn, every time I turned around there was someone else I knew. Life is good.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Paperwork and Process

How is paperwork for you? For me it has a long history of procrastination attached to it.

What is it that keeps me in this pattern of "I"ll deal with this later"? There always seems to be something more important or more pressing to attend to and the papers must wait.

What is coming up -do in part to offerings of good friends- is that there is a piece in here to do with allowing abundance and flow. As I heal my paperwork pattern, things will shift to support me in ways I can't even imagine in this moment.

So, this afternoon I am focusing on data entry and filing. While working on it my intention is to be present with myself and notice what comes up and when. It is my knowing that when I have this kind of awareness, answers often appear.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lovely Day and Chicken Report

I've spent a lovely day on the Farm playing with chickens, updating my website, yoga and meditation. Life is good.

In case you haven't heard, the chickens are in the studio portion of the building! They are in 2 large dog crates that are attached end to end. Kevin is making great strides on their permanent home and soon we will have the most charmingly housed chickens in Butler County.