Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I have been marveling at the beauty of human beings. The endless variety and wonder of faces. The innate Divinity of us all.

I adore connecting with my heart center, feeling into what I find there. Exploring my own connection to the Divine. I love how available that connection is to me. How available it always has been, not that I always knew it! Years ago during a period of dramatic contrast in my life, I began exploring the possibility of the Divine Feminine, The Goddess. I was amazed at how available that loving presence was to me. How, in my darkest moment, all I needed to do was ask, "are you there?" and the answer was always yes. The connection always immediately accessible.

As I have continued along my spiritual path, I have discovered the same accessibility when connecting to God, Divine, the Universe, Great Spirit and any of a myriad of names that have been given to that which is all. The concept of oneness, that we are all one, grows even greater still when I acknowledge Divine presence of that one.

When I allow myself the time to connect with the oneness of all, it becomes infinitely easier to see Divinity all around me. To swim in beauty and dance with possibility and appreciation.

Thank you....

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I was recently a part of a conversation where someone offered, "it's always two steps forward and one step back, just like they say." 

I was struck by how this statement was offered, and for the most part accepted, as simple truth. The question came up for me, who are "they" and quick on the heels came the answer - we are. 

As we accept, repeat and live our lives holding statements such as this to be "the way life works" we experience life working this way. Feels like a chicken or the egg moment to me...

So, If I start to expect life to work in different ways how might my experience  of life change?

What if, as was offered in the same conversation, the step "back" is actually part of the dance of life? Is it possible to do a Tango with no backward steps... 

I thought about a slingshot. It's a very simple machine designed to move something over a long distance quickly. The way it does this is a stone (or whatever) is put into the sling and you Without this "backwards" motion the stone just falls to the ground. If you were to try to push the stone forward it would still just fall to the ground, perhaps a little farther forward but not much.

So, when I find myself in a situation that feels like a step (or two) back all I need do is notice that sensation and decide whether, in that moment, I am dancing in the flow or preparing to fly!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Life is reorganizing these days -actually it is always reorganizing- these days are just a bit more apparent. The Reiki volunteer program at Alle-Kiski Medical Center starts this week! I am humbled and excited at the prospect. I will be lead volunteer, responsible for training other volunteers on working in a hospital setting and also educating the staff on the benefit Reiki can provide. So, Thursdays will find me at the Hospital!

Tuesdays and Fridays I will providing Reiki services in Export, PA - more to come on this soon!

I am so excited about the shape life is taking these days. I have moments of uncertainty and, thanks to my practice, am more and more able to notice them before I become immersed in drama.

To step into the observer and allow what I am experiencing to flow through is so different, in my experience, from diving into whatever is coming up and trying to "fix" it. There is a part of me, an ego state, that very much wants me to becomes embroiled in the drama. Which offers further opportunity to observe. I am finding that I am so much more effective in my life when I choose to observe, as opposed to when I react.

In choice, Julie