Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I have been marveling at the beauty of human beings. The endless variety and wonder of faces. The innate Divinity of us all.

I adore connecting with my heart center, feeling into what I find there. Exploring my own connection to the Divine. I love how available that connection is to me. How available it always has been, not that I always knew it! Years ago during a period of dramatic contrast in my life, I began exploring the possibility of the Divine Feminine, The Goddess. I was amazed at how available that loving presence was to me. How, in my darkest moment, all I needed to do was ask, "are you there?" and the answer was always yes. The connection always immediately accessible.

As I have continued along my spiritual path, I have discovered the same accessibility when connecting to God, Divine, the Universe, Great Spirit and any of a myriad of names that have been given to that which is all. The concept of oneness, that we are all one, grows even greater still when I acknowledge Divine presence of that one.

When I allow myself the time to connect with the oneness of all, it becomes infinitely easier to see Divinity all around me. To swim in beauty and dance with possibility and appreciation.

Thank you....

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